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  • 纹身情侣英文小短句

    “you're my anchor, my eternal love.”爱情是耐心和宽容的交流和理解,爱情就像一场狂风暴雨来势汹汹但过后留下一片新生的景象。爱情需要不断用心去维护和经营只有这样才能长久,我们精选了有关纹身情侣英文小短句的最新报道和分析供您参考,阅读本文句子仅供参考之用感谢大家!

    1、- together, we are a masterpiece; our couple tattoos prove it.

    2、two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。

    3、- like a compass, our tattoos guide us back to each other, no matter where life takes us.

    4、- your initials and mine, forever intertwined in this beautiful couple tattoo.

    5、the lock and key tattoos on our ankles symbolize that we hold the key to each other's hearts.

    6、holding hands, facing the world together. 手牵手,一起面对世界。

    7、matching tattoos are a visible reminder of the unbreakable bond we share.

    8、- in this chaotic world, our matching tattoos remind us that we always have each other.

    9、our love story, written on our bodies, for the world to see.

    10、your love is the music that fills my soul. 你的爱是填满我灵魂的音乐。

    11、the intertwined hearts on our wrists represent our everlasting love.

    12、love is a language that only our hearts understand. 爱是一种只有我们心灵可

  • 纹身情侣爱情英文短句30句

    love is the greatest adventure. 爱是最伟大的冒险。~~你在找类似的句子吗?下面由小编帮大家编辑的《纹身情侣爱情英文短句30句》,强烈建议你能收藏本页以方便阅读!


    1、in you, i found my everything.

    2、in your arms is where i belong. 我属于你的怀抱。

    3、two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。

    4、love written in permanent ink, our souls connected.

    5、your love is my anchor in stormy seas. 你的爱是我在暴风雨中的锚。

    6、love knows no boundaries, our tattoos prove it.

    7、love is a language that only our hearts understand. 爱是一种只有我们心灵可以理解的语言。

    8、through thick and thin, our love never fades.

    9、soulmates for life. 终生的灵魂伴侣。

    10、your love gives me wings. 你的爱给了我翅膀。

    11、our love is written in the stars. 我们的爱情被写在星星上。

    12、your love is the music that fills my soul. 你的爱是填满我灵魂的音乐。

    13、our love is a journey, with a destination being each other.

    14、with you, i have found my happily ever after. 有了你,我找到了我所期望的美满结局。

    15、you're my anchor, my eternal love.


    16、my love for you is unconditional. 我对你的爱是无条件的。

    17、two hearts intertwined, forever united.

    18、love forever marked, our soul

  • 纹身爱情英文短句

    love tattoos speak when words fail.本站的“纹身爱情英文短句”专题为您提供了大量相关信息可供参考,什么样的爱情的句子最好呢?爱情可以让我们体验到世界上最为美好的情感,是一段情感的旅程两个人手牵手走过风雨,以下句子仅供您参考阅读!




    4、love endures all things. 爱情经得起所有考验。

    5、you and me, against the world.



    8、i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart.


    10、love is the communication of souls that surpasses words.

    11、thing ventured,nothing gained

    12、love written in permanent ink, our souls connected.




    16、your smile brings me endless happiness.


    18、love tattoos speak when words fail.




    22、the love we share is more than skin-deep, it's etched into our souls.

    23、together forever. 永远在一起。

    24、our love story, written on our bodies, for the world to see.


  • 英文短句纹身


    1、【like for like .】 一报还一报。

    2、【pain past is pleasure.】 苦尽甘来.

    3、【nothing in the e to those orroter and ill man worse.】 好人越学越好,坏人越学越坏。

    14、【 etimes the right person for you many sources 1 besides books。】 一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。

    30、【it's better late than never.】 迟到总比没做好.

    31、【never give up, never lose the opportunity to succeed 】 不放弃就有成功的机会。

    32、【never put off bygones be bygones.】 过去的就让它过去吧。

    37、【never, never, never, never give up (her, eventually they will find their way back。】 如果两个人注定在一起,最终他们总会找到重温旧梦的路。

    46、【 himself。(einstein germany) 】 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。(爱因斯坦 德国)

    54、【like mother, like daughter.】 有其母必有其女。

    55、【keep on going never give up.】 勇往直前, 决不放弃!

    56、【i am a slow walker,but i never walk backwards。 ( america)】 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕。林肯美国)

    111、【like author, like book.】 文如其人。

    112、【lies have short legs.】 谎言站不长。

    113、【one thing i knoe naturally.】 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

    118、【i plish

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